Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yard Tour and Le Tour

Last year my goal was to make some interesting combinations in my yard.  Some of the earlier plants that I put together did not flower at the same time although the times given were the same.  Right now I have some combinations just starting and a few that are at peak. 

The lupine that I have were given to me last fall.  They sent up two beautiful purple blooms and then quickly starting turning yellow.  I think this is a possible soil problem or maybe I am watering too much.  This is a new bed we are working on, not much is happening here.  This is where I hope to put the poppies mentioned in my previous post.

It was my turn to go up to the community garden this morning.  I took my camera and snapped a few pictures. 

 community garden, I can't believe the tall sunflowers in this picture, (they are a little to the right towards the top), they are forming their heads but have not stopped growing.  They are the largest I have ever seen.

our plot, stops at the tomatoes

the plot next to us and beyond, lots of birds flitting around looking for seeds.

The community garden is doing quite well.  We have harvested 6 cabbages so far, one tomato, many cucumbers, yellow squash and basil.  We will be picking beans soon. 

I have been enjoying le tour this year, lots of controversy and beautiful scenery as always.  I've been working on some knitting in between glances.  It isn't always easy to keep the rows going while watching the lavender in provence and having a glass of wine at my side.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful flower vignettes! Your plot looks nice. I'm wondering what plant that is to the left of your onions (in the picture.)
