Sunday, October 3, 2010

fall color, saucer eyes, and food poisoning

Indian summer has taken over my life of late.  The backyard has been calling me- I have been moving plants around for next years enjoyment. 

A friend reminded me that I have not been posting and I thought, why haven't I?  All I can say is that with this extended wonderful weather I have been out enjoying it for as long as it lasts. 

I am looking at my previous post and realized it was our week in snowmass.  Well this post is about the return to snowmass to view the fall colors.

It was a very spontaneous trip, Greg called from work and said he could take the afternoon off.  I was ready in a flash.  The drive up was glorious.  The room this time was not so great- it smelled like fireplace, the balcony did not have that great of a view and it overlooked a side street.  They were not willing to give us another room.  Well the bed was comfortable.

We got up the next morning to take our hike- one of many planned.

This was on the top of the mountain.  I asked later what it was, someone made this as a memorial to a friend.  It represents yin - yang but that is all I know.  The materials were shiny like granite and I must say it didn't really fit in with the surrounding mountainside, it has been there around 30 years.

Greg was ahead of me on the hike.  At one point I noticed he was moving backwards toward me at a fast rate.  I stopped and asked if he saw something.  He still did not turn around but said, "yes".  I asked if it was something big, "yes".  A bear I asked, "yes".  I stopped and waited for him to reach me.  When he turned his head his eyes were very large.  We both started clicking our hiking sticks together and began moving again.   It was a cinnamon bear, they are common in that area.  We were in a very thick area and until we got beyond it we were a little uneasy.  We saw signs of the bear on the way down, the grasses were laying over where it passed over them. 

On this picture you can see a haze, this started developing towards the end of the hike.  That afternoon I took the shuttle into aspen and it had spread down the valley.  The leaves in aspen were spectacular but the haze was everywhere.

That night while sitting on our balcony I started feeling quite bad.  I think I got food poisoning from our dinner, I spent the next day in bed.  I could hear the wind rustling the leaves of the aspen so I concentrated on that wonderful sound and tried not to think of the hiking I was missing.  The next day I was much better and we left for home.  The colors had changed to a wonderful orange and were brilliant.  What a glorious time of year!

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