Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The christmas present challenge

I have been trying to knit a christmas present for my great niece. I started with the rosebud cardigan. I had two inches left to knit and realized I did not have enough yarn. I started a baby shrug, same thing. I decided to try the whirligig shrug pattern knowing that I had ample yarn. Things were going along well, I was about to start the second sleeve-the last section- when I realized I was using my size 2 needle instead of the six, - where is my brain? I could not believe it, I had to rip it back and start again. I decided to do a gauge check, now my gauge is different. I have never had such a horrible time with a project. I am trying to remain calm, this will get done, this will get done, this will get done...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I knew you had a blog but hey, I found it now! I have that ball of yarn for my sister-in-law and keep trying different projects... I know what you mean. I hope I am on my last attempt this time!!

