Friday, December 11, 2009

Knitting interrupted

We live on a hill that is very tricky to drive on after it snows. My car does not do well in the snow so I planned to spend the day working on the whirligig shrug and listening to the latest book in my book club, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society By Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows. I love the book so far and was looking forward to the day.
Shortly after getting up I started getting really cold, I looked at the thermostat, it was down to 52 degrees. The furnace people came out, did some things and left. About and hour later I thought I am really cold again, it was down to 50. The furnace people gave me a time frame 3-5. I got out my heated throw and sat down for some serious knitting. When the temperature dropped to 47 my hands were knitting so slow that all I could do was laugh.
Greg came home and said, "hey it's really cold in here." I wanted to say that I hadn't noticed but as I was shivering and my walk was a hunched up shuffle I knew he wouldn't buy it.
Finally at 6 the guy came, he is coming back today to install a new valve. I have another long time frame so I will be knitting again. The heat is working right now but he said it could fail again at any time. I have the heated throw closeby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is sad! Of all times for your furnace to fail. On the other hand, if you hadn't noticed it, maybe it would cause more serious problems! I hope you have it working now!
