Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nightmare before Christmas

I am glad to say I finished the whirligig shrug.  Getting to this point was somewhat of a nightmare.  I mentioned in a previous post some of the challenges I had.  I ripped back a couple more times for various reasons.  I think I put too much pressure on myself to get it done and so I was making many mistakes.  I had to do the outside ribbing 4 times.  I believe I picked up too many stitches on one side because it had a very strange curve to it.   It didn't help that I was watching Gone With the Wind at the same time, oh how I love that movie.

I think I will take a little break from knitting until 2010, oh who am I kidding...

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking I needed a break, too, but I'm not kidding anyone either :)
