Saturday, January 2, 2010

Knitters Resolution

I think I need to make a "New Year's Resolution".  Take time to enjoy knitting rather than trying to get the current project done so I can get to the next one.  I think this is why I am making so many silly errors.  Too many knitting projects swirling around in my head so I am not paying enough attention to what I have on my needles now.  

This morning I was looking at all my stash yarn and started seeing what projects they could become.  After creating a pile of new projects on the floor I realized I was mentally spinning around in circles.  It is great to get excited about what a ball of yarn can become, however, this is when it dawned on me that I am spreading my knitting energy out too far. 

I am going to knit a little on my nutkin socks and look forward to getting to the heel, then the toe and then the second sock.  I won't listen to the yarn that is calling to me from the closet- well not until I open the door again...

1 comment:

  1. You are right, we should stop and enjoy the knitting. Good luck keeping the door closed :)
