Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Old Glory Flying

I was going to work in the yard today, there are so many things to do this time of year.  It is extremely windy today.  My neighbor has a flagpole in his yard, (I'm not too crazy about it, I love the american flag but looking at one in your backyard 24/7 is not that great).  I heard some clanging and looked up to see that the flag had come disconnected from the pole, it was still on the chain but was flying around like a kite.  It was barely missing the power lines.  It would fly really high with each gust of wind and then crash down when it ebbed.  I tried to get a picture of this flying flag kite but it was so fast I couldn't capture it.  I called my neighbor who was out and left a message.  I looked out awhile ago and the flag is either gone or he took it down.

  The other night I went to my knitting book club, (literal knitters) and forgot to take my knitting.  I was watching the other women knit and observed their techniques.  One friend knits continental and was telling me how fast it is.  I had taken a class to learn this type of knitting but I didn't stick with it.  I came home and watched a youtube video on continental knitting and I am practicing every chance I get.  I have carpal tunnel and tennis elbow from knitting so I am hoping that this might help with those issues.   So far I feel like a total beginner, my tension seems to change with every row.  I do see that it is going to be much more efficient, hopefully my brain/hand communication will kick in soon and I will be flying through my stitches like old glory...

1 comment:

  1. Deb, I hope it helps your carpal tunnel once you get the hang of it! :) Karen
