Friday, April 9, 2010

Felting Work Out

Today I decided to felt my friends clogs.  My friend did not want to tackle the felting of the clogs, (she lives in Atlanta), and since I don't have the same size feet I called my neighbor down the street.  Luckily her feet were the same size.  There were some guys here working on our window in the back.  They were finishing a project and were almost done.

I started the felting.  The new hot water heater did not let me down.  I had hot water complete with steam.  I shut the lid and set the timer for the first 10 minutes.  At about 6 minutes in the guys out back had a problem that needed my attention.  I pulled the clogs out of the machine and went outside to talk to them.  That problem was settled and I went back to felting.  When the clogs seemed like they could be about the right size I ran them down to my neighbor in a bucket.  She is one of my favorite people and I am not saying anything negative or anything that we didn't talk and laugh about here so I am not gossiping.  Her feet both have problems but I was not prepared for hammertoes, surgery scars and bumps aplenty.  She is 80 years old and her feet have been through alot of living.  She tried them on, they were still too big.  She wanted to chat, she understood I had to get back up to the hot water.  I ran up the hill, gee I thought I was in better shape.  I went another 5 minutes and started to run back down the street when I ran into another neighbor out raking his yard who is also 80.  He is a nice man and I didn't want to hurt his feelings by running by too quickly so I stopped for a few words.  I ran the rest of the way to my other neighbor's.  More chatting was taking place, one can't be rude when you are asking the person to try on a wet pair of clogs that smell like wet dog.  They were fairly close, so I ran back up the hill, by this time my lungs were about to pop out of my chest.  When I came in my house the phone was ringing.  I made my best attempt at answering between gulping for air, it was another neighbor with a question.  I told her I would call her back in the best voice I could muster.   I finished the felting, gee I hope they fit.

I have never had a felting session like this one.  I am a jogger but I now know I need to tack on a few more miles...


  1. Aw.. Miss Debbie.. these are beautiful!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I will wear them proudly. I'm so excited and can't wait to try them on my feet. I so appreciate all the love and care that you have put into them. You have made me smile. Love you much! Linda

  2. How funny. You're a thoughtful neighbor and friend :)
