Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Crayola

I'm still working on perfecting continental knitting.   After watching many youtube videos, I blended several techniques that  are comfortable to me.  It still does not feel as easy or as relaxing as throwing but I am determined to stick with it.

For my first project using continental knitting I am doing a pair of socks.   What am I thinking?  Size 0 needle with fingering yarn.   Toe up which is new to me, Wendy's Generic Toe-Up Sock, My Crayola

The toe shaping about did me in.  I had trouble knitting 3 stitches together in the continental style. I think I did the toe about 6 times before I felt ok with it. I would drop a stitch when I tried to knit the three together. I would keep knitting and then notice the stitch hanging out several rows back. I confess that I did revert to using my right hand at one point but I still had to rip back. I am fast approaching the heel which has the same shaping, I’m already starting to sweat it. For some reason I keep singing, My Crayola, (My Sharona, by The Knack), when knitting these. Only because it rhymes and I am a little bit silly.

 I see crayon colors.

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