Monday, May 17, 2010

A tough time in my yard

A few weeks ago there were two ducks in my yard.  They were checking every possible nook and cranny to build a nest.   It is hard to take a picture while ducks are on the move but here is my best attempt:

They rejected my yard but I think they found a place next door that met their requirements.   I enjoyed hearing their quacking and the occassional flyovers. 

This is such a busy time for birds.  We have lots of trees in our area so there are birds nesting everywhere.  I do love birds but I find grackles to be a little annoying at this time of year.  They are so noisy and it's not really a sound I find I enjoy.  If you have never heard one you can go here and listen: 

Picture about 20 of these birds going at the same time.  The other night I saw a hawk fly into the tree where most of them have their nests, the squawking became even more intense.  I  felt sad that the hawk was busy taking some of their young and I was amazed that they all stayed right by the hawk.  They followed for quite awhile.  It has been a little quieter in that tree but there are still several other trees that haven't been discovered yet.   

On another sad note, sorry to say that the ducks had their own troubles.  I believe a fox put an end to their nesting this year.  I found this egg in my front flower bed when I went out for a jog this morning. 

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