Sunday, August 15, 2010

Community Garden Update


My plot at the community garden is really kicking in now.  Well everything except the peppers.  I am not sure why they are not producing. 

These sunflowers are not in my plot but I had to take a picture of them.  They are over 12 feet tall and just amazing. 

The purple plant is Kale.  This is my first year growing this.  It says it has better flavor if it is hit by frost.  I have been adding it to many of my vegetable combos and this weekend I am going to try a kale salad.  This fall I will add it to soup.  How did I do without it before?

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks wonderful. I have been living without kale all my life and I don't know what I'd do with it, but maybe one of these days I'll be on the other side with you :)
