Thursday, January 28, 2010

All new this week

I think it is always fun to try a new recipe.  It is kind of like trying a new knitting pattern.  I think it is refreshing to the spirit.  This week I decided to try something new every night for dinner.  Today it is ribollita, (italian bread soup).  I'm not sure if I have ever had escarole before, the recipe calls for it.  When I was shopping yesterday the sign said they had escarole but the sign was way above the bin.  I was pulling out each interesting head of greenery, most were marked as some kind of Kale.  I asked the woman next to me and she said, "gee I would just have to guess".  I grabbed the only one that wasn't marked, phew I was right.  I found it searching with google images.  I just looked at the recipe to see if I spelled ribollita correctly and noticed that it calls for dried navy beans, oops I didn't catch that for some reason and put in the red kidney beans that were for another recipe later this week.  This is really going to be a new recipe because I didn't have vegetable stock and put in chicken broth instead- ok it was on sale and so I thought it might work out ok. 

I hope this is like a few knitting projects I have where I did something wrong and it turned out just fine.

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