Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week of plenty

I don't want to dwell on graves' disease (GD) and how it is effecting our lives but it is hard to ignore when you are dealing with it everyday.    I decided to get a book on this disease to try to figure out what is going on.  Greg read the book which surprised me and told me he saw himself on almost every page.  I think he has been dealing with this for a very long time.  It is good to have this information and we both are a little calmer.  I know I am, well kind of.

I have been working on my NUTKIN sock project.  I did the toe 5 times before I got it right, I am blaming this on the half or three quarters of my brain that is worrying, (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).    I'm not sure about the colors, they remind me of Easter.  The yarn is Dream Sock by Fyberspates.  I bought this yarn from someone's stash on ravelry, it feels devine.  I am enjoying this pattern, it is well written and easy to follow.

I bought some foam to make a sock blocker.  I don't think the foam is strong enough.  Getting it into the sock is a challenge.  I  like the idea of having a sock blocker.  Greg has offered to make one out of wood for me.  I am considering it.
This sock is screaming to be blocked.

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