Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Finally Clapotis

I have been wanting to do this pattern, ( Clapotis ) for several years.  I am using a yarn that is not the correct weight so I am sure I will have to make some adjustments as I go.  I think the pattern may get a little monotonous but that is ok, I can listen to my current book, (The Devil in the White City) and not worry about making a mistake. 

Since my great niece has been born I have been concentrating on knitting some things for her.  I felt like I had to get every project done quickly  because she is growing so fast.  I am going to take a break from speed knitting and do some things just for fun. 

 I went outside to take a quick picture of the shawl.  I was thrilled to see that three of my primrose have come up.  I planted these last spring, they have a wonderful little yellow flower.  This really made my day, I think I better get out there and see what else is waking up.     

1 comment:

  1. Your yarn looks like a great color. I hope you enjoy the clapotis! I have read it is monotonous, but then other people love it so much they make more than one. Well, at least you can take your time with it.
