Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back on the needles

This has been a rather difficult week for me.  Greg has been losing weight since August.  There have been some other things going on with him that have had me worried.  He finally went to the dr. when he got on the scale and he was 20 lbs lighter and his energy level was so low that walking up our basement stairs made him tired.  This whole week was full of tests and worry for us.  The dr. had told me he feared luekemia but they have determined he has graves' disease which is treatable.  He has started medication, which has some awful side effects so far, but I am thrilled when I see that his leg is still when he is sitting now, it was always moving fast, his hands are not trembling and his eyes are a little less sunk in.  He has been wearing shorts this whole winter- he was always so hot.  This afternoon he said he was a little cold and now he has jeans on.

How has this effected my knitting?  Well I went to my book club this week where we knit and discuss the book we have read.  I ripped back all of the knitting I did that night, and could hardly concentrate on our discussion.  I put my needles away and when I think about the week; I am not really sure what I did.  Greg's birthday was friday and I always make him sticky buns.  I decided to invite my whole family over to celebrate with us.  That day we had one test in the early morning and were waiting for the results.  I undercooked the buns which I have never done-apparently knitting was not the only thing I couldn't concentrate on.  My family was so nice to me- they all said they were great and actually ate some of them.

Today Greg decided to watch a playoff game.  I sat on the couch next to him and picked up my needles, my mind is back.


  1. Deb, I am so sorry to hear to that you've been troubled. I don't know anything about Grave's Disease but glad to hear it is treatable. I will be thinking about you. I hope things continue to improve.

  2. I am glad you are back to knitting and that things are improving. So sorry for what you are going through.
