Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A night out

We went to The Barber of Seville last Saturday.  I knew nothing about this opera.  Oh my gosh it brought such joy to our hearts.  The end of the first act found me laughing with delight.  Something sounded familiar during the Overture.  I couldn't figure out why Bugs Bunny and Woody Woodpecker kept coming to mind.  I was totally enthralled with this opera but something about the music made me see these two running around with a razor.  After talking to my sister about it, she had gone two nights earlier, we figured it out,  Rabbit of seville and Woody Woodpecker The Barber of Seville.  Who knew I was so cultured growing up. 

This production was outstanding, I can't say enough about it.  My friend works for Opera Colorado, he took us back stage during intermission.  We met several of the main characters and got to see the set from behind.  My friend had to take care of a problem so Greg and I went in search of a drinking fountain.  We took a wrong turn and found we had crashed the donor's party where people were having drinks.  Lots of tuxedos and hob knobbing going on there.  We were giggling as we left, we had thoughts of ordering a glass of wine and asking if anyone else was having images of Bugs/Woody going through their mind.

This night will stay with me for a long time, everyone jumped up at the end with a resounding standing ovation and we floated out of the opera house.


  1. I used to have a disc that was classical music used in movies. There are definitely lots of great homages in Bugs cartoons. Sounds like you had a great time. That would be so neat to go backstage!! I love the theater.

  2. PS I like your new picture! You're very cultured yourself :)
