Sunday, February 14, 2010

Some Guys Give Flowers, others...

My days of wondering if I have enough yarn for a given project are over!

Greg made me a gadget for Valentine's Day
that I can use to measure my leftover yarn.  I have used cardboard before and also the back of a chair and that went ok, but sometimes the cardboard would bend and the chair always made me feel like I needed longer arms.  This thing is great, it rotates around and makes measuring a snap.  After I measure the yarn I can then attach the yarn to my ballwinder and it rotates around so I can wind it easily.  He is downstairs right now finishing up a table that is a part of the gift.  I will be able to attach my swift, ballwinder and the new gadget to the new table.  Currently I am using the unfinished counter in the kitchen.
Flowers are great but this new tool is wonderful.  I have already measured and wound half of my leftover sock yarn and some mystery yarn that has been sitting in bags for years.  
I am getting dangerously close to having organized yarn.


  1. Ah how sweet! Did he invent this measuring device? How nice it will be to have organized yarn!!

  2. I missing seeing all of Greg's projects. Dang I miss you both! Think Greg needs to patent it and resell it at the farmers market. It could be your next fortune. Happy Valentine's Day my friend.
