Monday, March 29, 2010

beyond the nose

A few weeks ago I mentioned I had a cold.   I took a dive and started feeling quite awful again.  I knew things were bad when I didn't even feel like knitting.  I went to the dr. and found I had a whopping sinus infection. I will never take breathing for granted ever again.  It is now 3 weeks later and though still a little tired I am almost back to normal, phew...

I did venture out to the denver botanic gardens. I enjoyed the Henry Moore sculptures on display there.

This past Saturday I helped a friend at her Mother's 90th birthday tea.  I have known this woman for such a long time.  People were packed in everywhere.  The tea and scones, (complete with clotted cream and lemon curd) were enjoyed by all, me included.  I mostly washed tea cups.  I didn't mind as I had a window open in the kitchen.  The house was quite warm.

I have several knitting projects lined up that I am excited about.  I am trying to finish my Argosy scarf.  I seem to rip back rows every now and then, what is it with me and yarn overs... 
I am looking at a beginning spinning class at my lys and also one offered at the estes park wool market.  This could be the year.

Something for fun:

parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.

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