Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Wednesday Mornings

Recently I was asked to join a knitting group.  We meet at a coffee house every wednesday morning for a few hours.

These women come from very different backgrounds and the discussions we have are always interesting.  I like the mix of ages.  We have discussed a variety of books, traveling experiences, gardening and current events.  I always bring my knitting problems and have gotten really good direction.  I am using cotton and hemp to make a summer scarf.  It is rolling down the middle.  The consensus from these women was that it will not block flat.  No one suggested ripping it out however,  they all thought it would be good to get to the end, block it and then see what happens.  I told them that maybe I should use starch on it, that got a big laugh.  

 I used to live in this neighborhood before we moved away from Denver.  It was run down with very little there.  Now it is full of wonderful little places like this coffee house.  I could have walked to it before.  I am still not too far away which is nice.  I do miss that area, our home was over 100 years old and was very unique.  Most people are moving in and tearing down these cute homes and putting up modern duplexes, or single family homes that take up the entire lot.  I do like the way some of these new buildings look, but I also see some of the charm of this area slipping away.

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