Friday, April 2, 2010

you know your life is exciting when...

I think that getting a new hot water heater is not an exciting event for most people. We have lived in this house almost 4 years and have had hot water sporadically. Greg never seemed to complain, I tried not to.  I would work around it. Before I would take a shower I would often run the water for 5 minutes a half hour before, (this did make me feel quite guilty for wasting water). This seemed to wake it up. If I was felting something I would boil water and add it to the machine to get it hot.
We seem to be the type of people that try to make things work until they cannot be fixed or they designigrate before our eyes. A couple weeks ago I noticed rust coming out with the hot water. I actually kind of smiled, could a hot shower be in my future? Greg flushed the heater and things appeared to be ok. I was quite sad. The rust started showing up again and then it was to the point where there was more rust and sediment then water.
After a quick trip to home depot we now have wonderful hot water! I am starting some felted clogs for a friend and I must say I am looking forward to it. I am hoping it will take less time and I won’t feel quite so “pioneerish”.  No kettle of boiling water at my side.

This morning we are dealing with a clogged bathroom drain...


  1. Oh, how true. This is so you & Greg... trying to squeeze the last bit of life out of anything. But I'm kind of shocked you wasted so much water. That's so NOT you! Hmmmm.. clogs for a friends :)

  2. I remember the day we moved and I got a new washer and dryer. I was wondering if I had "matured." Hopefully not :) Our first day in our house, I had a frigid shower and luckily my sister was dating a plumber who told me how to turn up the heat on the water heater!!
