Thursday, March 11, 2010

Night time mysteries

We have a fox that enjoys our backyard.  It has the most bequiling face.  I think this is the same fox that stole my outside flipflops from the back steps last summer.  ( I still miss them, they were my favorites)
We keep our truck on the driveway.  Every morning we find the same pattern of tracks on the hood and window, this little guy is very busy.  He has also run around on our roof in the middle of the night.  I was alone in the house that night.  I awoke to this and thought there was something running around in the living room.  I'm pretty sure I acquired a few extra gray hairs from fright. 
The other day I saw the fox go by the window with something large in it's mouth.  I watched it go over to my newest garden and dig a hole.  He turned to me and I saw that it was a dead squirrel.  I thought I would go out there and bury it deeper,  it started to snow so I decided to wait for better weather.  I went out there today with shovel in hand.  There was no squirrel to be found, just the hole was there. 
I would love to have a camera positioned in our yard to see what other things go on at night.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how close you live to me but we've had several fox sightings lately, and someone lost a cat!
