Wednesday, March 10, 2010

open for a challenge

This year I have the goal of using up some of my stash and leftover yarn from previous projects.  I have done two projects so far with one more on my needles.  I love my Daisy Market Bag.  I tested it out and it really does hold alot of stuff.  I was very excited to use it but when I got to the grocery store I realized I had left it at home, ugh.  I love working with brown sheep cotton fleece.  This is my third project using this yarn.  I also love the fact that I got it at the Estes Park Wool Market for $2.50 a skein.  I have a few more skeins to use up and then I think I will give the rest to my local elementary or junior high school. 

I went to my lys the other day.  I have been buying yarn  with greens and oranges which I truly love.  I have come to the realization that I don't really look that great in orange, green is a little better.  I seem to be better with purples, blues and reds.  At first I had my usual oranges in hand but then I thought I needed to try something different.   Not only did I get some great colors but I am also going to be knitting with hemp which is something I have never tried before. I went out on a limb and bought some cobweb weight yarn for a shawl.  This is also a new frontier.  The cob web looks like thread so I am a little worried that:
A. I will not be able to see it when knitting 
B. I will drop a stitch and never find it!

Greg has been traveling the last three weeks,  he brought home a cold last week and today I woke up and knew it was my turn.   I hope this doesn't interfer with my new projects, I am really itching to get at them.  Sometimes sharing is just not that much fun...

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are feeling better. I would like to try a lace or cobweb weight shawl myself but I have enough started for now. Maybe in the summer I'll try that...
