Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring Sightings

I went out to check the mail last night after dusk.  I heard a fox across the street barking, or whatever it is they do, it sounds very strange.  I saw the neighbors cat come flying around the house and it was a moment later that I smelled the skunk.  I streaked up the drive and luckily missed any encounter.  There is so much wildlife activity going on right now.  I love all the birds singing.  I have been saving my leftover yarn pieces for the birds.  I think this makes good nesting material.
I am hoping to see some brightly colored nests this year.

I saw one of my plants that I put outside last fall peaking up through the snow.  I wasn't sure if it would make it.  It was on the dollar bargain table at Timberline after the hail storm that caused so much damage.  


Soon there will be less knitting going on and more gardening. 

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